Monday, June 14, 2010

144/365 Sunday May 23

Our first day in Disney! We got there mid afternoon, first thing Jaxon saw was a Disney bus and he informed us we needed to 'follow that bus'!
We should have listened to him, our GPS had us going around in circles forever! Fist thing at check out I got our double stroller we rented- some laughed at me for this but boy was it a life saver when the boys were tired! Cade was in a bit of a mood-surely not!
This is how he rode most of the time.

We headed out for Down Town Disney for our dinner reservation at T-Rex and later Build a Dino.
In front of the lego store, this is made of legos.
At Build a Dino stuff his animal.

Giving the new toys a bath.
 Playing in the fountains-they played for twenty minutes lol.

The room when we returned from Down Town Disney- Mickey Mouse snuck in and left them gift baskets and a neat banner. Too bad I umm I mean Mickey forgot the tape to hang it up!
Cade figuring out he got the woody shirt and not buzz lol!


  1. you are such a fun mom. goodie baskets AT Disney World!

  2. Thanks Dana, I had a ball making them!
